Julian Wilson's Tribute to Andy Irons

This is on the board that Julian is going to ride at Snapper in the up-coming 1st stop of the ASP.  His mother does the artwork on his boards along with his boardies for Quiksilver.  This is what his Mom has to say about it. 

“It is just fun – I love colour and the blank surfboards,” she said.
For her, when it comes down to it: “I’m just mum”.
“I’ve done it all to encourage my son and it’s something I enjoy doing,” she said.
“Julian’s very lucky, he’s very blessed with the life he has and we, as a family, like to give back.”
The artwork also helps maintain the close link Julian has always had with his family.
“I always supported him and travelled with him when he was younger,” Mrs Wilson said.
“Now I’m not always there – and he enjoys having the drawings on the board.”

Heres the trailer to Julians new vid "Scratching the Surface".....By the way Julian and his management thought it would be a smart move to make "Scratching the Surface" instead of being a part in the film "Modern Collective"


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