Reviving the BE4ND1P....

Whats up mates.  So I pretty much stopped doing this blog because I was living in a place for a while without internet in OC...... And i got an E-mail from blogspot saying they were going to shut down my blog because i was just ripping music and photos from other people and posting it on my shit....which is true. 

For the new BE4ND1P site i just wanted to make it a blog about whatever the fuck i feel like posting at the time.  Funny pictures of friends, stories, rage activites, music of course, and pretty much anything else that interests me (or that i think will interest you).  

With all that shit being said.... heres some material  

Probably not the safest kid to hang out with

This one either - AG 2007 what a smut

73. Bottom Right '08. If only those walls could talk

Expect much more to come.....latres.

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